By: Avy Susantini Program Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada: Perpustakaan Fakultas Kedoktera Universitas Gadjah Mada, Jl. Farmako No. 1, Bulak Sumur Yogyakarta
Keywords: TuberkulosisSubject: TUBERCULOSIS, PULMONARY
Lung tuberculosis disease is a chronic infection disease, which becomes the third greatest cause of death after heart and respiratory tract diseases. Indonesia has the third biggest number of TB patients in the world. Failure or drop out in medication and relapse are caused among others by incompliance to anti tuberculosis drug taking Improve knowledge and attitude against tuberculosis drug taking compliance. The objective of this study is to find out whether education intervention through active mother learning method could improve knowledge attitude and behavior of lung tuberculosis patients in efforts to increase compliance to anti tuberculosis drug taking at Yogyakarta Municipality. The study was quasi-experimental method with control group. The subject of the study was new adult lung tuberculosis patients living and seeking medication at community health center of Yogyakarta Municipality during September-November 2005. The subject was divided in to 2 groups, experiment group given educational intervention with active mother learning method and control group was not. During the study in-depth interview was made to non-compliant subject. Research analysis used wilocoxon test.The result of this study showed that the implementation of educational intervention with active mother learning method could significantly increase knowledge of tuberculosis drug taking. The attitude of research object against compliance to tuberculosis drug taking improved significantly. There was no decrease of drug compliance from initial to final medication among experiment group whereas among control group there was a tendency from becoming compliant to non compliant as much as 12.5%.
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